Why You Shouldn't Trim Brows!

This might be an unpopular opinion for some, but hear us out...

We're aware that there are quite a few artists out there who still trim those brow hairs to tame the shape of the eyebrow.

One search on Google, and you'll find lots of articles on eyebrow trimming, getting the right shape, and using scissors for a ‘uniform’ look. There are also many guides on this.


This is perhaps the best time to discuss this topic, especially now that eyebrow lamination has become so popular. Many artists have been using outdated methods, and many clients who have very long, straight, or unruly eyebrow hairs wonder what they should do. They often choose to straighten all the hairs upward and then trim them… but is this the answer?

Let us tell you! It’s not!

Based on years of personal experience, we hold a specific belief. Even today, whenever we see a trimmed eyebrow, it can be triggering because of what we know now!

Let's explore the details. Below is a comprehensive list of potential consequences resulting from poorly trimmed eyebrows:

  • The hairs become thicker and stiffer, similar to cut tree trunks.
  • They don't keep their shape, and even combing them no longer helps.
  • Trimmed hairs can grow in different directions, giving the impression of messy eyebrows!
  • The trimmed tips no longer follow the natural growth pattern, creating empty spaces, often referred to as "holes,” in the middle of the eyebrow arch.
  • The eyebrow takes on the wrong shape over time.

This is the result:

To make matters worse, continually trimming eyebrows over time can lead to devastating consequences…

As you may be aware, all of our hair, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp hair, undergoes a specific life cycle: it grows, matures, and eventually falls out. This cycle repeats continuously, with varying speeds depending on the body area.

Trimming your eyebrows interrupts the natural life cycle of the hair.

This means that the hair no longer achieves its maximum length and doesn't shed as it should. As a result, the hair becomes increasingly thick and heavy causing a continuous strain on the bulb of the hair, weakening it, until it can no longer support the hair's weight and will no longer be able to produce new hair.

So, what happens then? If you are starting with naturally thick eyebrows, you could end up with partially bristly, scattered eyebrows with an undefined arch.

Instead of trimming… we at Van Isle Beauty & InLei® take a different approach.

Firstly, we tweeze the unruly, hormonal or elderly hairs- ensuring that we aren’t tweezing too many that cause bald patches. This is because when you tweeze hairs, they will actually grow back thinner. The more clients with unruly, hormonal or elderly hairs come back, the more we can get the hairs back to their optimal state.

Secondly, after a lamination with our fabulous Brow Bomber, we use Fashion Lash & Brows to bend the tips of the brow hairs to a 45 degree angle and secure in place. This way we can achieve a sculpted look without disturbing the hairs life cycle. Fashion Lash & brow is actually a conditioning serum that not only fixes brows in place, but also:

  • Protects tinted eyebrows during the summer months and helps avoid discolouration
  • Adds a moisturizing effect in cold, dry winter months
  • Enriched with nutrients that support ultimate lash growth and health

Say YES to healthy, conditioned & silky brows and GOODBYE to unruly, dry and undefined brows!…Let’s leave the trimming to our hairdressers!

Remember our famous motto when tweezing… it’s tweezing not plucking! Plucking is only reserved for chickens🤪